Through the course of reading the four Gospels. Jesus healed those who were physically sick, blind, and paralayzed. Many individuals only see these as physical healings. But they too also represent healings that occur spiritually. Luke 4:40, mentions how Jesus Christ healed people with various sicknesses and diseases. A disease or sickness occurs when the bacteria or an virus enters the body and it can't fight it off. Spiritually sicknesses comes in the forms of sinful addictions and habits that attack the spiritual being and weaknens it.
Sinful addictions weakens the Spiritual Immune System and doesn't allow the person to be able to fight against the enemy or to serve God in Spirit and in Truth. It allows more viruses (demonic spirits) to enter into the body and have dominion over it. Jesus came to heal those who are Spiritually Sick, and who's sickness has overpowered there Spiritual Immune System. Inorder to regain perfect health spiritually, we must turn unto God and allow him to renew our minds and to RE-GENERATE us.
John 9, Jesus heals a man who is Born Blind. Individuals are Spirtually Blind when they are under false doctrine and teachings. The Pharisees and Sadduccees were very knowledgeable of scripture and the laws of God, but they couldn't SEE who Jesus was and why he came, and what his purpose was. Jesus came to bring order and to remove the veil from the eyes of those who are confused about doctrine and beliefs. He came to set the standard for how to live and to carry ourselves.
Matthew 9, Jesus heals a paralyzed man because of his FAITH. This is a representation of someone who is spiritually weak and is dependent on others to push them along into the Kingdom. They can do absolutely nothing spiritually without the help of other individuals and totally lack discernment. But Jesus also came to help those who are weak, and can't discern whats the next move to make, and how to stay away from sin. The comforter has come to lead us into truth, and help bring all things to our rememeberence. The Holy Spirit gives us a direct line of communication from information that was passed along in the chain of command. First from God, to Jesus Christ, then to the Holy Spirit, and then to the TRUE BELIEVER.
Inorder for us to overcome our sicknesses, blindness, and current paralyzed state we must come wholeheartedly to Christ acknowledging our current condition and allowing him to LORD over our lives. We must break off from our own independence that got us in the mess in the first place, and become DEPENDENT on Christ!!!
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