Colossians 1:9-13

Colossians 1:9-13, "For this cause we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that you might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding. That you might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God; Strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power, unto all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness; Giving thanks unto the Father, which has made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light: Who has delivered us from the power of darkness, and has transferred us into the kingdom of his dear Son:"

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Sin Traps

"I have an addiction, an addiction has me"

Most people think sin is just sin, I sin today and repent. Then a few days later indulge in those same activities. Sin has an agenda of its own, and its to turn what is holy into the total opposite "Anti-Christ". Sin is like a disease or virus that spreads rapidly like wildfire. It makes more of itself and reproduces quickly. It slowly removes anythig that's Godly in you, turning you into a "Child of the Devil" who is willing to slay Christ. Sin starts off as a small act such as lust, then turns into masturbation, then into fornication, then into Bi-sexuality, then into Homosexuality.

Sin isn't temporary, but longs for deeper involvemnt with you. The more you sin, the deeper entangled in it you become and you begin to make modifications and begin to accept it as a way of life. Before you entertained sin your conscious told you it was wrong, but now you have overpowered your conscious, meaning you have accepted the act as right, and no longer have any bad feelings about engaging in it. During this process you are ultimately closing your own casket, meaning know one is able to rescue you because you see no wrong in what you are doing because you have Believed a lie and are under a delusion (2 thessalonians 2:10-12).

Another common trend that stops people from being preached the truth or ministered to is, the "Don't Judge Me" slur. Most people say only God can judge them, and they don't even have a relationship with God to know his will. Neither do they have his Spirit to bring conviction when they are faced with unknown situations that may be sinful. This mask has to come off inorder for them/you to turn to God and ask for forgiveness and to truly repent. Repent means to turn away and its not saying i am sorry or i apologize, its a new lifestyle. Removing sin out of your life and replacing it with Christ!!

Sin sneaks into little wholes and crevices, seeking to widen those wholes until they have overpowered and possess control over that individual. Sin has a natural effect as well as spiritual effect. Sin starts itself within then begins to show itself outwardly. Showing that it has control over the temple (Individuals Body, whom it possesses). Examples are excessive body piercings, tattoos, and other physical changes. It also effects the mind and the persons way of thinking. Sin turns us into "AntiChrist", sins Job is to make use the very opposite of what Jesus has inteded us to be. Turns marriage between man and woman into man and man, and woman with woman. Totally against God's order.

Sin keeps us away from God!!!!!! We have to keep our vessels pure and clean with the washing of his word. Seeking and thirsting after HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS and FLEEING(RUNNING) from what isn't of HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS without HESITATION!!!!

We must express our need for salvation wholeheartedly, inwardly and outwardly through verbal confessions. There are somethings that needs to be "Spoken" outloud. (John 21:15-18) Today the enemy is everywhere, he can't be missed, but through Christ Jesus, we have the ability to "overcome" sin and we must (Revelation 3:21). Sin is seen on the television, radio, music, internet, and even in stores (magazine section, etc). From the human eye it looks as if the devil has won, but God paid the PRICE!! Allows us to have peace and enter his rest during the "Evil Day".

Lets continue to go on and fight the good fight (1 Timothy 6:12).

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