Cain acted in a selfish manner towards his sacrifice that he was giving to the Lord. Abel showed what the Lord requires and delights in, Selflessness. Abels sacrifice was more of a sacrifice than Cains. In return Cain’s own selfishness led him to kill his brother after the Lord himself warned him that sin was crouching at the door and that he must rule over it.
Selfishness causes us to override the Word and Will of God, and to pursue our own lusts and desires. At this point Cain was Angry, and jealous, thus decided to kill his brother. This entire situation could have been avoided if Cain had been selfless as God requires. Selfishness doesn’t allow us to follow Gods laws, or for us to be led by him. In our flesh, we have desires that we are born with, desires to please ourselves. Just about everything in our world today is made to bring pleasure to ourselves. It isn’t wrong, but we must maintain a balance and not let those things become IDOLS in our lives.
We must exert self-control, and not let our passions and desires overtake us. In the Old Testament they dealt with IDOLS that where exterior, but now in Christendom we deal with IDOLS that are inward. Walking with Christ requires self-denial daily. We must bare our cross and follow after Christ each and every day of our lives. Continually being led by the Holy Spirit, and growing in Spiritual Wisdom and Understanding. Selfishness births false doctrines, manipulating the Word of God to fit our own Agendas that are birthed from our own evil and wicked hearts.
Jude 3-16 talks about individuals who are led away by their own evil desires, who were coming against the church at the time. In The Body of Christ today we are dealing with the same issue, but many are drunken from the wine of the harlot. Jesus told many parables of tares who would spring forth among the wheat, but they wouldn’t be removed because they would lead to our edification and growth in Christ. They are hear in sheeps clothing, hard to depict from listening to with just one sermon or even ten, but requires one to study to show thyself approved.
The Apostles and Ministers of the Gospel in the New Testament dealt with doctrines that denied Christ to some degree. The devil trying to cause disunity and hinder the growth of the Body of Christ. This was his first option because of the time. Jesus just arrived on the scene and he could only deny his power, and identity. He couldn’t yet manipulate the doctrine because of the Churches Birth. Today the devil has tried a different trick, but certainly not new. Instead of denying Christ, and his power, lets join him but pervert his Gospel.
Glorifying selfish men who would change the message of God to benefit and bring glory to them, or to please their audience. A little leaven, leavens the whole lump is true. First off, birthing the Roman Catholic (Universal Church), and then men establishing denominations at their own convenience confused with the total will of God. There are no denominations in the Bible that I have read. Every denomination IDOLIZES one part of God’s Word which doesn’t lead to a deeper relationship with Christ. Some Pentecostals focus on the Tongue, some Baptist emphasize baptism, and etc. There is liberty and order within the body of Christ. Everything has a purpose and a place, but Christ is at the head. The letter killeth but the Spirit of the Lord brings life.
As the Body of Christ, let’s be selfless when studying Gods Word, not reading the word with our own expectations of what we will find, or what is or will be revealed to us. Let us take our hands off of the steering wheel and let God have his proper place in our lives. Let’s take up our Cross and deny ourselves daily, taking upon the nature of Christ, and learn more of him. Continuing to be separated from the Spirit of this World, realizing our true purpose and what we hope in. Hoping in the Glory of his return which is soon to come.
Submitting to his will, and interceding on the behalf of those who are lost, and the Body of Christ.
God Bless.
A excellent video explaining obedience and being a witness for Christ. Zac Poonen really explains how to enhance your relationship with God.
A excellent video explaining obedience and being a witness for Christ. Zac Poonen really explains how to enhance your relationship with God.
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